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  • Created effective ad campaign with a Snap! commercial that generated high performing CPMs
  • Motivated and informed Gen-Z Texans about the importance of reproductive justice


Authentic was hired by AVOW, a Texas-based pro-choice, abortion, and SRHR advocacy group, to shift the mindset of Gen-Z Texans, emphasizing the importance of reproductive justice. Our digital persuasion program used paid media to influence voters during the 2022 elections, specifically against Rep. Angie Chen-Button’s anti-abortion voting record.


Digital Paid Media, Design and Development, Logo and Branding, Mobile Messaging


We formed a dynamic partnership with AVOW to launch a targeted Gen-Z residents across Houston, Dallas, and the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Using a blend of positive Texas pro-choice messaging to champion unrestricted abortion access and negative messaging to expose the damaging impact of extremist right-wing politicians, we aimed to amplify the discourse on women’s autonomy and healthcare. The goal? Create an audience that was more engaged, generate a spike in awareness levels, and bolster support for reproductive rights in Texas.

Our campaign accomplished the goal of painting a narrative of Chen-Button being too extreme for the district.


Hyper-targeted Digital Advertising:

One of the standout tactics was our hyper-targeted digital advertising. By leveraging detailed audience insights, we specifically catered to Gen-Z individuals, with a spotlight on those already inclined towards reproductive justice or those malleable in their views. This precision targeting ensured that every ad dollar was optimized for impact. We distributed our efforts across multiple platforms, but Snapchat, in particular, emerged as the dark horse. Our Texas pro-choice and SRHR advocacy ads tailored for the Dallas demographic significantly outpaced benchmarks, especially when measuring by completion rate, showcasing the efficacy of our bespoke targeting strategy.

Compelling Ad Design and Narrative Building:

Our creative endeavors weren’t just limited to aesthetics; they were narratives in their own right. Embracing a dual-pronged messaging approach, we highlighted the positives of unrestricted abortion access, grounding them in themes of love and compassion. In contrast, our negative messaging sought to shed light on the detrimental effects of extremist political views on women’s autonomy. This balance between hope and awareness proved instrumental in engaging the audience at an emotional level. To heighten the relatability factor, we further customized our content based on regional nuances, ensuring that our messaging always felt local and personal.

Impactful Video Production:

Our collaboration with AVOW also saw us diving deep into video content, crafting concise yet potent messages. The 15-second Snapchat video, designed to target key Gen-Z demographics, was a masterclass in brevity meeting efficacy. Eschewing any gimmicks or superfluous content, we harnessed real news headlines and stark voting records to build a compelling narrative against Rep. Angie Chen-Button. The strategic use of color contrast, juxtaposed against the black and white visuals, not only amplified our message but also emphasized the ‘extreme’ stance of Chen-Button. The resounding engagement across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube stood as a testament to the video’s resonating impact.

“When our goal was to change the hearts and minds of young people in the state of Texas around the dangers of SB8, we turned to Authentic to have them create a robust and sophisticated persuasion program. Running across platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and YouTube we were able to meet our Gen-z audience where they are and targeted them with snackable videos and graphics.”

Danielle Ohlemacher, AVOW


Our Texas pro-choice messaging and outreach content successfully motivated and informed Texans about the importance of reproductive justice through this abortion advocacy group. Snap performed well in reaching and engaging our audiences, with our cost per swipe ups remaining at around $0.79, and our YouTube ads had a positive CPM $7.23 and negative CPM $11.23, indicating that our content was resonating with our audience. Across platforms — Facebook, Instagram, Search, and Snapchat — our content effectively informed and engaged audiences.