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United Nations Populations Fund

  • Raised 283% of the organization’s initial fundraising goal in a fraction of the projected time
  • Our paid media acquisition resulted in over 80K donors joining the email list in six months.
United Nations Populations Fund

Authentic helps United Nations group raise 283% of fundraising goal in first six months


USA for UNFPA is the dedicated American ally of the United Nation’s pivotal sexual and reproductive health agency, striving to ensure every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every woman and girl reaches her fullest potential. With a legacy spanning across 150 countries since 1969, the organization is ardently committed to ending unmet family planning needs, preventable maternal deaths, and violence against women and girls. 

Through the provision of comprehensive care and empowering initiatives, USA for UNFPA champions the rights of women and girls to make informed decisions about their bodies, lives, and futures, propelling them towards a world marked by dignity, choice, and potential.


USA for UNFPA sought to expand their donor base by converting first-time donors and significantly boosting their donor retention amidst handling emergency situations like natural disasters in the developing world. The dual goal was to raise UNFPA’s funding efficiently while responding to urgent needs.

The organization faced the complex challenge of not only capturing the attention of potential donors but also compelling them to contribute amidst a digital landscape oversaturated with appeals for grassroots donations. Ensuring that USA for UNFPA’s unique impact and urgent need for support was communicated across digital channels, from email marketing to paid media platforms, effectively and resonantly was paramount.


Authentic implemented a comprehensive donor acquisition program tailored to resonate with potential first-time donors and quickly initiated a rapid response online fundraising plan in the wake of natural disasters. Utilizing a multi-channel approach, we combined digital marketing and personalized content to build trust and urgency. 

Our campaigns were designed with a keen understanding of the targeted demographics, ensuring that each message was not only seen but deeply resonated with potential donors. The rapid response plan was optimized to ensure that the urgency of the situations was communicated effectively, inspiring immediate action from supporters worldwide while maintaining empathy and transparency for donors. 


For the donor acquisition, we deployed targeted digital communications across multiple platforms through compelling storytelling that converted thousands of first-time donors to the organization in a very short time period. These tactics included fundraising emails, direct-to-camera videos, static social media graphics, and other digital advertising and communication methods. 

In response to the natural disasters, such as the devastating earthquake in Morocco and deadly flooding in Libya, we swiftly executed a specialized rapid-response fundraising plan, leveraging real-time content and social media to raise awareness and funds far exceeding the set goals (nearly 300% more than the planned fundraising goal.) 

Our digital communications were meticulously crafted, blending emotive storytelling with striking visuals to capture attention and inspire donations. In the wake of the disasters, we optimized our content in real-time, ensuring that every piece was current, compelling, and showcased the urgent need for funding support and USA for UNFPA’s immediate impact on the ground.


— Converted 2,771 first-time donors with an average initial donation amount of $82.33 within the first six months.

— Raised 283% of the organization’s initial fundraising goal in a fraction of the projected time.

— Our paid media acquisition strategy resulted in over 80,000 donors joining the email list in six months.

Each donor acquired and every dollar raised was a testament to the powerful synergy between Authentic’s strategic execution and USA for UNFPA’s compelling mission. The surging grassroots support not only bolstered immediate fundraising efforts but laid a robust foundation for sustained engagement and support for UNFPA’s ongoing and future initiatives.


Fundraising Email #1 

Fundraising Email #2 

DTC Video: In The Field

Interrupted Feed Appeal

Ramadan Appeal

Make Motherhood Safe Appeal

Mother’s Day Appeal 

Horn of Africa Appeal

Sudan Crisis Appeal

Dignity Kit Appeal

Tell Her Story Appeal

Aljazeera Headline Appeal